Development and validation of a mass spectrometric method to determine the identity of rituximab based on its microheterogeneity profile. IN PRESS
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Quality attributes of partially hydrolyzed collagen in a liquid formulation used for skin care. VER MÁS
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Fecha de publicación: 16 mayo de 2019 Development of Functional Antibodies Directed to Human Dialyzable Leukocyte Extract Transferon®) Ver...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: 8 noviembre 22 Altered neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in sepsis secondary to canine parvoviral enteritis treated with and...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Validation of a cell-based colorimetric reporter gene assay for the evaluation of Type I Interferons. VER MÁS
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CD80 Expression Correlates with IL-6 Production in THP-1-Like Macrophages Costimulated with LPS and Dialyzable Leukocyte Extract (Transferon®). VER MÁS
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Fecha de publicación: Marzo 2021 Poor survival in COVID-19 associated with Lymphopenia and Higher Neutrophile-Lymphocyte ratio Ver más
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Development of Functional Antibodies Directed to Human Dialyzable Leukocyte Extract (Transferon®). VER MÁS
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Fecha de publicación: 6 de octubre de 2021 Increased survival in puppies affected by Canine Parvovirus type II using...