Validation of an ADCC assay using human primary natural killer cells to evaluate biotherapeutic products bearing an Fc región.
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: 10 de abril de 2019 CD80 Expression Correlates with IL-6 Production in THP-1-Like Macrophages Costimulated with...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Development and validation of a mass spectrometric method to determine the identity of rituximab based on its microheterogeneity profile....
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Catalase Inhibits the Formation of Mast Cell Extracellular Traps. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , 2023, Sin categorizar, 0
An international comparative analysis and roadmap to sustainable biosimilar markets. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: Marzo 2021 Poor survival in COVID-19 associated with Lymphopenia and Higher Neutrophile-Lymphocyte ratio Ver más
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Determination of Peptide Profile Consistency and Safety of Collagen Hydrolysates as Quality Attributes. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: 20 Septiembre 2019 Validation of a Cell Proliferation Assay to Assess the Potency of a Dialyzable...