ALTHEA Gold Libraries™: antibody libraries for therapeutic antibody discovery.
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Fecha de publicación: 20 Septiembre 2019 Utilization of naproxen by Amycolatopsis sp. Poz 14 and detectionof the enzymes involved...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: 8 noviembre 22 Altered neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in sepsis secondary to canine parvoviral enteritis treated with and...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Identity Profiling of Complex Mixtures of Peptide Products by Structural and Mass Mobility Orthogonal Analysis. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Development of Functional Antibodies Directed to Human Dialyzable Leukocyte Extract (Transferon®). VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: 20 de marzo del 2021 Consistency of a dialyzable leucocyte extract manufactured at GMPfacilities by Nuclear...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Progress and Challenges in the Design and Clinical Development of Antibodies for Cancer Therapy. VER MÁS
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Fecha de publicación: 10 de abril de 2019 CD80 Expression Correlates with IL-6 Production in THP-1-Like Macrophages Costimulated with...