The dialyzable leukocyte extract TransferonTM inhibits tumor growth and brain metastasis in a murine model of prostate cancer.
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Development and validation of a mass spectrometric method to determine the identity of rituximab based on its microheterogeneity profile....
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Taking advantage of a high-throughput flow cytometer for the implementation of an ADCC assay for regulatory compliance. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Structural and physicochemical characteristics of one-step PAMAM dendrimeric nanoparticles. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: Marzo 2021 Poor survival in COVID-19 associated with Lymphopenia and Higher Neutrophile-Lymphocyte ratio Ver más
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Characterization of a Complex Mixture of Immunomodulator Peptides Obtained from Autologous Urine. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , 2023, Sin categorizar, 0
Efficacy, Pharmacokinetics, and Toxicity Profiles of Broad Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , 2023, Sin categorizar, 0
Isolation and characterization of high affinity and highly stable anti-Chikungunya virus antibodies using ALTHEA Gold Libraries™. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Development of Functional Antibodies Directed to Human Dialyzable Leukocyte Extract (Transferon®). VER MÁS