The dialyzable leukocyte extract TransferonTM inhibits tumor growth and brain metastasis in a murine model of prostate cancer.
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: 27 de febrero de 2023 Discovery and Optimization of Neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Using ALTHEA Gold Plus...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Taking advantage of a high-throughput flow cytometer for the implementation of an ADCC assay for regulatory compliance. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , 2023, Sin categorizar, 0
An international comparative analysis and roadmap to sustainable biosimilar markets. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Determination of Peptide Profile Consistency and Safety of Collagen Hydrolysates as Quality Attributes. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: Enero 2019Valproic acid promotes a decrease in mycobacterial survival by enhancing nitric oxide production in macrophages...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Structural and physicochemical characteristics of one-step PAMAM dendrimeric nanoparticles. VER MÁS
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
Fecha de publicación: 6 de octubre de 2021 Increased survival in puppies affected by Canine Parvovirus type II using...
admin_udibi3, , Sin categorizar, 0
The yin/yang of inflammatory status: Blood-brain barrier regulation during sleep. VER MÁS