Efficacy, Pharmacokinetics, and Toxicity Profiles of Broad Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody. SHOW MORE
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 1 de June de 20231 de June de 2023, Uncategorized, 0 Published: September, 2019 A differential sex-specific pattern of IgG2 and IgG4 subclasses of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) induced by glatiramer...
UDIBI admin_udibi3, 15 de March de 202215 de March de 2022, Uncategorized, 0 Characterization of a Complex Mixture of Immunomodulator Peptides Obtained from Autologous Urine. SHOW MORE
UDIBI admin_udibi3, 15 de March de 202215 de March de 2022, Uncategorized, 0 Taking advantage of a high-throughput flow cytometer for the implementation of an ADCC assay for regulatory compliance. SHOW MORE
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 29 de August de 202329 de August de 2023, 2023, Uncategorized, 0 An international comparative analysis and roadmap to sustainable biosimilar markets. SHOW MORE
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 1 de June de 20231 de June de 2023, Uncategorized, 0 October 6, 2021 Increased survival in puppies affected by Canine Parvovirus type II using an immunomodulator as a therapeutic...
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 1 de June de 20231 de June de 2023, Uncategorized, 0 November 8, 22 Altered neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in sepsis secondary to canine parvoviral enteritis treated with and without an immunomodulator...
UDIBI admin_udibi3, 15 de March de 202215 de March de 2022, Uncategorized, 0 Development and validation of a mass spectrometric method to determine the identity of rituximab based on its microheterogeneity profile....
UDIBI admin_udibi3, 15 de March de 202215 de March de 2022, Uncategorized, 0 Transferon in 2020 SHOW MORE