Mycobacterium tuberculosis Catalase Inhibits the Formation of Mast Cell Extracellular Traps.
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
ALTHEA Gold Libraries™: antibody libraries for therapeutic antibody discovery. SHOW MORE
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
Quality attributes of partially hydrolyzed collagen in a liquid formulation used for skin care. SHOW MORE
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
Published : March 2021 Poor survival in COVID-19 associated with Lymphopenia and Higher Neutrophile-Lymphocyte ratio More information
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
Published: march 20, 2021 Consistency of a dialyzable leucocyte extract manufactured at GMPfacilities by Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy More...
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
Taking advantage of a high-throughput flow cytometer for the implementation of an ADCC assay for regulatory compliance. SHOW MORE
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
Published: april 2nd, 2020 Development and Evaluation of a Set of Spike and Receptor Binding Domain‐Based Enzyme‐Linked Immunosorbent Assays...
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Structural and physicochemical characteristics of one-step PAMAM dendrimeric nanoparticles. SHOW MORE
admin_udibi3, , Uncategorized, 0
October 6, 2021 Increased survival in puppies affected by Canine Parvovirus type II using an immunomodulator as a therapeutic...