SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Antibodies Isolated from a SARS-CoV-2 Delta Semi-Immune Phage Display Library SHOW MORE
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 1 de June de 20231 de June de 2023, Uncategorized, 0 October 6, 2021 Increased survival in puppies affected by Canine Parvovirus type II using an immunomodulator as a therapeutic...
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 5 de June de 20235 de June de 2023, 2023, Uncategorized, 0 Isolation and characterization of high affinity and highly stable anti-Chikungunya virus antibodies using ALTHEA Gold Libraries™. SHOW MORE
UDIBI admin_udibi3, 15 de March de 202215 de March de 2022, Uncategorized, 0 ALTHEA Gold Libraries™: antibody libraries for therapeutic antibody discovery. SHOW MORE
UDIBI admin_udibi3, 15 de March de 202215 de March de 2022, Uncategorized, 0 Phage Display Libraries for Antibody Therapeutic Discovery and Development. SHOW MORE
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 1 de June de 20231 de June de 2023, Uncategorized, 0 Published: September 20, 2019 Utilization of naproxen by Amycolatopsis sp. Poz 14 and detectionof the enzymes involved in the...
UDIBI admin_udibi3, 15 de March de 202215 de March de 2022, Uncategorized, 0 Validation of an ADCC assay using human primary natural killer cells to evaluate biotherapeutic products bearing an Fc región....
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 1 de June de 20231 de June de 2023, Uncategorized, 0 Published : March 2021 Poor survival in COVID-19 associated with Lymphopenia and Higher Neutrophile-Lymphocyte ratio More information
+ UDIBI admin_udibi3, 1 de June de 20231 de June de 2023, Uncategorized, 0 Published: april 10, 2019 CD80 Expression Correlates with IL-6 Production in THP-1-Like Macrophages Costimulated with LPS and Dialyzable Leukocyte...