Dr. María Martha Pedraza Escalona

Teaching and Human Talent Manager


She is a Biologist Pharmaceutical Chemist and PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She completed a postdoctoral stay in ​​Toxinology with the emeritus Dr. Lourival Possani-Postay. She was Associate Researcher in the Department of Molecular Medicine and Bioprocesses of the Institute of Biotechnology of UNAM.

She has published 27 articles in indexed and refereed international journals (Citations 796; Factor h:15; Factor i10:19), 15 scientific divulgation articles and a scientific text chapter. She has been a regular reviewer in journals such as Process Biochemistry, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Frontiers in Immunology and Vaccines, among others. She has a patent granted in national territory and in the US. She has obtained funding to carry out independent research at the national level. She is responsible and co-responsible for the training of critical and purposeful human resources at different levels. She is a reviewing member in the National System of Scientific and Technological Evaluation (SINECYT) and external referee in the Evaluation of Projects in the Support Program for Research and Technological Innovation Projects (PAPIIT) of the UNAM. She is a member of the Researchers National System Level 2.

She is currently a CONAHCyT Research Fellow (since 2018) commissioned to the National School of Biological Sciences at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), visiting professor in the Postgraduate Courses in Immunology and Science and Technology of Vaccines and Biotherapeutics, both at the IPN. In the last three years she has developed her own lines of research focused on the selection and analysis of the humoral immune response to infectious diseases, with the aim of developing new biotechnological tools with the possibility of being used in diagnosis and therapeutics.

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